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Every Connection Counts

A Philosophy For The Primary Schools of Weymouth


It is the goal of the Weymouth Public Schools to provide a caring, supportive and nurturing environment in which learning can take place.  We believe that this occurs when the home, school and community join efforts to provide for the needs and individual differences of each child.


Primary age children grow and develop as they progress through a sequential series of concrete activities which enable them to formulate concepts and acquire skills needed to succeed in a technological world.  To accomplish this, every effort is made to offer a wide range of meaningful experiences which promote intellectual, social, emotional and physical growth under the leadership of a staff committed to excellence.  Priorities in this process are to develop within our children self-esteem, responsibility and a commitment to common courtesy.


In partnership with the Academy Avenue Primary School, the Academy Avenue Parent Council has a primary goal to connect parents, students and staff so that everyone in the school community can feel empowered, informed, and involved.  Our secondary goal is to provide enrichment, resources, materials and experiences for both students and staff.
Some examples of what our fundraising efforts contribute to include but are not limited to:

- Scholastic subscriptions
- flexible seating for classroom
- fans for air circulation in each classroom
- transportation for one field trip per grade, per school year
- two enrichment assemblies per school year
- classroom book sets


Our fundraising efforts also allow us to host events such as:
- Trunk or Treat
- Winter Workshop
- Sweetheart Dance
- Movie Nights
- Book Bingo

- Parent Nights Out
- ...and more!

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